Taylor's University

Friday, June 19, 2015

A snaily Conclusion

This will be the very last post of our blog. It was certainly an amazing journey we had studying snails together! In this final post let us conclude things that we have shared so far and hopefully you too, learned a thing or two! Snails are beautiful creatures aren't they? 

The fact that how snails can actually climb over sharp knives without hurting themselves ignited lots of our imaginations.In this three months we kept a snail house and so much have happened since then. For instance there was once where the Mushi House was almost flooded because the owner (You Liang) forgot to carry the house indoors during a rain! Luckily the mushis were smart and climbed and stick themselves on the wall. No casualties was found luckily! Furthermore, snails are really easy to rare and really take their sweet time hiding during the day. Simply put fresh leaves into the house and provide little amounts of water is all they need. Did you know snails do really need to drink water? All they need it to moisture their body.

It is shocking to think how we always see this tiny creatures but never made effort to spent time and observe them. Sharing the learning process with our friends got us to look at how amazed they were when we said something that was new to them. 

Lastly, let us thank our lecturer, Dr. Yong Leng Chuan and Ms. Ch'ng, and our guest lecturer Prof. Dr. Mushtak was is the dean of the School of Engineering who gave us an inspirational lecture on the purpose of Biomimetics in engineering. "Biomimetics is a method to think, it provides us a way to think differently, and that thought is what differentiates us with other engineers", he said. Big thanks to the members, Melissa, Clinton, Koay, Yong Ni, Navid and You Liang who came together as a team and successfully presented this very blog. Cheers!

P.s. So what's our next pet?? XP

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